Potatoes have a long history of being seen as poisonous. According to the Smithsonian, a green potato indicates the presence of a nerve toxin that can induce coma or even kill you within 24 hours of consumption. But, even scarier: Potato lectin is a poisonous glycoprotein that contains about 47% l-arabinose, 3% d-galactose and 11% hydroxyproline.
Tag: potatoes
New Video: How Potatoes Are Slowly KILLING You: Dr. L.J. Freed (The Lectin Detox)
The Lectin Detox – Socrates once said that it is better to change your opinion, than persist in a wrong one. My name is Matthew. I have almost died twice from my throat closing over as a response to lectin proteins, and since the age of four I suffered chronic pain from severe atopic dermatitis, which covered my entire body. By changing how I thought about immunology, I was able to heal myself–after many decades of having oozing, inflamed skin–and after dozens of highly trained specialized medical doctors said that my condition was not solvable. What I learned was that dietary lectins cause disease. Here’s is an excerpt from an article, written by the late Dr. L.J. Freed, whom I never met, but did have the pleasure of speaking with one of his great friends–an English nutritional therapist. Here is what Dr. Freed wrote in his 1999 paper, entitled “Do Dietary Lectins Cause Disease?”.