The Lectin Detox – “Sterilization of the mentally and physically defective has long been advocated, but only recently has it seeped into the public consciousness. From the day when Plato wrote his Republic to the present, eugenicists have advanced various solutions to the problem of the defective, but sterilization seems to meet the requirements of the situation most aptly. For while it gives protection to society, yet it deprives the defective of nothing except the privilege of bringing into the world children who would only be a care to themselves and a charge to society…. Only those mentally defective and those incurably diseased should be sterilized. Many subnormal families whose intelligence is not of a high order are capable of raising useful citizens. But society should have some voice in the charges and responsibilities it will assume, not only now, but in the generations to come”. These are the words of Tommy Douglas–voted the all-time “greatest Canadian” in 2004.
Tag: conspiracy
New Video: The Disturbing Psychology of Detoxification (The Lectin Detox)
The Lectin Detox – “Man needs difficulties; they are necessary for health.” –Carl Gustav Jung My name is Matthew. I almost died when I was four years old from an intense allergic reaction. My throat closed over, my skin turned blue, and I developed severe atopic dermatitis all over my body, which I suffered from for the next thirty years. Dozens of highly trained medical specialists told me that my condition was lifelong and irreversible. They told me that it was my fault that I was sick. My immune system was dysfunctional; it was insane: attacking itself. I felt deficient, broken, and sad–until I did what the doctors couldn’t do: I healed.