Did you know that injections of lentil lectin into the knee joint cavity of non-sensitized rabbits resulted in the development of arthritis which was indistinguishable morphologically from rheumatoid arthritis?
Seafood Is The Second Ugliest Source of Lectins on the Planet
And not only is it the ugliest, but it is also the second most abundant. The primary source of lectins on Earth is plants.
New Video: The Disturbing Psychology of Detoxification (The Lectin Detox)
The Lectin Detox – “Man needs difficulties; they are necessary for health.” –Carl Gustav Jung My name is Matthew. I almost died when I was four years old from an intense allergic reaction. My throat closed over, my skin turned blue, and I developed severe atopic dermatitis all over my body, which I suffered from for the next thirty years. Dozens of highly trained medical specialists told me that my condition was lifelong and irreversible. They told me that it was my fault that I was sick. My immune system was dysfunctional; it was insane: attacking itself. I felt deficient, broken, and sad–until I did what the doctors couldn’t do: I healed.
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Eat Shrimp Shell?
Interestingly, one of the world’s most abundant sources of MSM and glucosamine are crustaceans. And in many places around the world, shrimp are prepared, served, and eaten whole.
Glucosamine Rocks
Adding MSM and glucosamine to your diet helps the detoxification process. These “sugars” act as lectin magnets, and, in effect, BLOCK the extremely sticky dietary lectin proteins–stopping them from punching holes through your gut and entering the bloodstream where they deposit themselves in and around distant organs and joints.
New Video: How Potatoes Are Slowly KILLING You: Dr. L.J. Freed (The Lectin Detox)
The Lectin Detox – Socrates once said that it is better to change your opinion, than persist in a wrong one. My name is Matthew. I have almost died twice from my throat closing over as a response to lectin proteins, and since the age of four I suffered chronic pain from severe atopic dermatitis, which covered my entire body. By changing how I thought about immunology, I was able to heal myself–after many decades of having oozing, inflamed skin–and after dozens of highly trained specialized medical doctors said that my condition was not solvable. What I learned was that dietary lectins cause disease. Here’s is an excerpt from an article, written by the late Dr. L.J. Freed, whom I never met, but did have the pleasure of speaking with one of his great friends–an English nutritional therapist. Here is what Dr. Freed wrote in his 1999 paper, entitled “Do Dietary Lectins Cause Disease?”.